Monday, April 20, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 13

Man, I have been pretty terrible about my work. I know I can do better, but I just get so tired of all of the things I have to do (no excuses though). I know I need to push hard through these last few weeks. And I know I can do it. I think I just set so many little goals for myself in numerous areas and when I don’t continue to accomplish everything (maybe I just accomplish a few consistently and a few here and there) I become disappointed with myself. I know one of my strengths and weaknesses is expecting a lot out of myself. And I have made huge strides in praising myself for all that I have accomplished (I think a lot of society struggles with remembering to look at the positives).

Speaking of positives, I have been working out more. Not a ton and nothing that reaches my expectations (I have really high expectations), but some working out is better than no working out. I’ve fallen back in love with sports. Which is awesome! I have also been trying to use working out as a prize. So, if I get blank done, I will allow myself to go work out. It has helped a little bit.

This past weekend I went to Kansas to visit my cousins. At first I didn’t want to spend the time or money to drive (really wanted to see family though). I am incredibly thankful I did because one, my little cousin is absolutely adorable (see the picture below) and I needed to spend time with this part of the family (I have neglected them because they live in a town that is out of the way when I drive from Oklahoma to Colorado) and two I trekked up to Topeka, Kansas to see my Grandma who has very recently become ill. Given the circumstances, it was perfect timing. Hopefully my Grandma gets better soon!

A personal photo of Bristol's peanut butter mustache.


  1. I know what you mean about being bad with homework, I have had that same struggle, especially with this class. I will be pulling through with a good grade but only because I did a ton of extra credit since I missed like three or four weeks of reading diaries and storytelling posts, actually I don't think I've done a storytelling post (except for in the past two weeks when I was trying to get an A in the class) in like two months....I just wasn't feeling very creative...

  2. I totally understand about being bad about finishing up work. I have a hard time keeping up with all my assignments for all my classes as well. The reward system works well I think though when trying to accomplish things. I tend to use it whenever I have a lot to do or big assignments that need to be done.
